Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Value Of Your Soul.

Thursday posts are usually reserved for ROL (Return On  Life). ROL is about making small incremental changes to lifestyle that disproportionately increase QOL (Quality Of Life). There is nothing incremental about identifying the value of your soul.
source: Wikipedia
Please Stop Calling It Happy Valley.
Apparently, there has been a whole lot of horrible involved with Penn State University for a very long time. In case you've been in a cave (without access to the internet) former assistant football coach and honored faculty member Jerry Sandusky has been serial raping young boys for well over a decade. Various administration members, faculty members and employees of Penn State were aware of the rapes, yet no one did enough to stop the sexual assault of children. The tip of the iceberg is revealed in the Grand Jury report.
Heroes Victims And Villains.
The list of people not doing enough to stop child rape is just being written. I doubt that list will ever be complete as is the list of lives ruined by decades of callous indifference. I have a bubbling cauldron of anger, confusion and righteous indignation. I don't need anyone's cauldron of the same to add to my cauldron and I will return the courtesy.

Many involved with this catastrophe either whispered "danger" or stayed silent for fear of loss or in hope to gain. Fear of loss or hope to gain is the same reason.
Plan Ahead.
I don't consider myself a person that cannot be bought. No one has yet reached my price. As we all move through life we face decisions that challenge our self value. Sometimes these decisions are small and simple. Other times these decisions are large and complex. Sometimes decisions we thought small and simple turn out to be large and complex. It's important to know exactly what we all stand for and specifically what we will trade off before critical decisions force us to either act or turn away. If the people that enabled Jerry Sandusky pondered their self-valuation, perhaps there would be a whole lot less ruined lives in State College, PA.

How do you value your self? What conversations or processes do you have in place to help make decisions?

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